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Preventive measures against COVID-19






Wash your hands thoroughly


Hand washing plays a key role in hygiene: it is therefore important to wash it regularly with soap to protect yourself.


When to wash your hands?


Hands should be washed as often as possible, especially:

  • before preparing meals

  • before eating

  • before feeding the children

  • after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing

  • every time we go home

  • after using public transport

  • after having close contact with equipment used by a sick person or with their personal effects

  • before putting on or taking off contact lenses

  • after removing a mask

  • after going to the bathroom

  • after changing a diaper or helping a child go to the bathroom

  • after throwing garbage

  • whenever you have dirty hands.


How to wash your hands well?

It is very important to wash your hands properly. Soap helps make the virus harmless, but only if you soap, scrub, rinse, and dry it properly. Here's the procedure to follow :

  • Wet your hands under running water.

  • Soap your hands, if possible with liquid soap.

  • Rub your hands until foaming. Do not forget to rub the back of the hands, between the fingers, under the nails, then the wrists.

  • Rinse your hands well under running water.


What should I still pay attention to?

  • It is best not to wear rings. If you wear a ring: take it off before washing your hands, clean it with soap and dry it well.

  • Take care of your skin: damaged skin can become a real nest of microbes. If necessary, use a moisturizing lotion to heal your skin.

  • To avoid accumulating dirt under the nails, cut them short and brush them regularly. Dry your hands with a clean towel - if possible a disposable paper towel or a cloth towel roll (single use) .

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Keep your distance from other people.


You can get the new coronavirus when your distance from a sick person is less than two meters. By keeping your distance, you protect others and yourself.

  • Avoid groups of people.

  • When standing in line, keep your distance from people in front and behind you (e.g. at the checkout, post office, or cafeteria).

  • During meetings, leave a free chair between you and the other participants.

  • Stay as far away as possible from vulnerable people around you.

  • Do not visit your acquaintances in hospital.


Keep your distance in public transport


Public transportation is essential to the economy and many people depend on it for getting to work. However, when they are very busy, public transport does not allow a sufficient distance to be kept with other users. They therefore present an increased risk of infection with the new coronavirus.


Avoid using public transport


Use gentle mobility as much as possible (walking, cycling).

If you must nevertheless take public transport, observe the rules of hygiene and conduct .

Vulnerable people should avoid public transport.


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Do not shake hands

According to what we have just touched, our hands are not clean. Infectious droplets from coughing and sneezing may be on the hands. These droplets can reach the mouth, nose or eyes if we touch them. It is therefore important to avoid handshakes.


Here's how to protect us from infection:

  • do not shake hands

  • give up kissing each other;

  • do not touch your nose, mouth and eyes.




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Cough and sneeze in a tissue or in the crook of the elbow


Blowing your nose, sneezing, spitting or coughing: viruses spread quickly if you don't follow the rules of behavior in this regard.


How can I reduce the risk of spread?

  • Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, preferably with a tissue.

  • If you don't have a tissue, cough and sneeze into the crook of your elbow, not your hands. If you do use your hands anyway, wash them thoroughly if possible immediately with soap and water.

  • Blow your nose only with disposable tissues (no tissue).

  • If you have to spit, do it in a tissue.

  • Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing, or spitting.

  • Use a disposable tissue and throw it away in a trash can.







Stay at home now


Exceptions: when you must


  • go shopping

  • go to the doctor or to the pharmacy

  • help someone who needs support

  • go to work because telework is not possible


If you are over 65 or have an illness, we strongly recommend that you stay at home.


The only exception:

  • if you need to go to the doctor.






Always report yourself by phone before going to the doctor or to the emergency room


In case of symptoms of infection with the new coronavirus:

If you are over 65 or have an illness: call a doctor immediately as soon as one or more of the frequent symptoms appear. Even on weekends.


  • Tell the phone that you are a vulnerable person.

  • Determine by phone if a consultation is necessary.


If you are under 65 and have no illness: call a doctor if your condition worsens. Especially if you have difficulty breathing.


If you feel sick or have pain or symptoms that are not related to the new coronavirus:


Pain, disease and symptoms that are not related to the new coronavirus should continue to be taken seriously and treated. Ask for help and don't wait too long: call a doctor.

Thank you very much, dear AAJST members and friends !

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