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Traditional games and sports are an important part of life and the hearts of the different communities of deep Africa, which have a sum of the fundamental values ​​and constitutive of our common heritage which we have the duty and sometimes the obligation to value them. , save for transmission to future generations.


From the African family tradition came wisdom and common sense to focus education, learning, personality formation, solidarity and transmission rituals based on norms, guidance and guidance. the model of life of our ancestors in perfect communion with our environment.


From the AAJST, we will now defend in one voice, our living expressions inherited from our ancestors and summarized in an intangible cultural heritage.

This organization, which already includes tens of thousands of volunteers who work in the implementation of projects and activities for the promotion, transmission and safeguarding of these social practices, wants to be the standard bearer of the African soul, regularly knowledge and human resources to become actors of our own future.


It is in the continuation of this step that we offer ourselves today, thanks to the whole team of the office of the permanent commission, more particularly our brother, the engineer Kouakou Koffi, senior executive of the AAJST; This mirror site of our organization for the purpose of communicating, communicating and making visible all our activities and our major meetings on the web.


Volunteers and committed, let us all be determined to change our mentality and our situation, let us seize together these new opportunities, these new tools, bringing a wind of hope and dynamism in the conquest of the African cultural space by our know-how, the organization of different events, forums and seminars, festivals, competitions, exhibitions, this promotion of social health and this feeling of Pan-Africanism that are part of the values ​​we will pass on as it was in the time of our ancestors.


Faced with the challenges of the hour, the AAJST tool for the collective memory of African cultural identity through traditional games and sports, creators of social ties; respond to certain challenges such as; living together, interculturality, sustainable development, the fight against global warming through the protection of the environment, participatory democracy, peace and the processes of recognition as intangible cultural heritage at UNESCO, some games and sports traditional African common denominators of the several countries or voices of disappearances.

I can not finish this word without thanking the collaborative attitude of the members and leaders of the European Association of Traditional Games and Sports / AEJST, the scientific input and advice of the President of the international platform of traditional games and sports / ITSGA , Mr. Gy Jaouen, the solidarity of several of our partners with the same vision as us, the involvement of the majority of members of the AAJST, determined to raise the African flag very high and by their concrete actions on the ground, to participate actively to the contribution of universal civilization.

It is an opportunity for the heirs we are to measure at the same time the importance of the heritage, the greatness of our soul and privilege, the need for renewal in the face of the dangers that threaten us.


Thus I invite all African actors in the field and project holders to massively adhere to this AAJST movement, representative of traditional games and sports all over the world; solicit the support and accompaniment of African institutions, the African Union, heads of state and governments, men of goodwill and the African diaspora everywhere else on the planet.

Passionate, I am convinced of our ability to come together with our differences and act together with our similarities.


From all we are, the AAJST and the AAJST is Africa and its legacy.

Long live African culture

Long live AAJST

Games and Traditional Sports (JST) are our common heritage bequeathed by our ancestors. We have the duty to safeguard them with a view to transmitting them to future generations.

Our Mission




Safeguarding our intangible heritage

what are the Games and Traditional Sports

Our Mission

Our Vision

  • To restore to the collective memory the African cultural identity which constitutes even its original soul.


  • Make our network of traditional games and sports very active to reconnect with our ancestral past, reinforce and strengthen our social bonds and create new ones


  • Through traditional African games and sports, bring community and intercultural development projects to the grassroots to improve our living conditions.


  • We reinvent ourselves by using all the tools of the new digital technology to enable African youth to take ownership of their cultural identity through all these values of traditional games and sports.

Unity is strength to safeguard our values


© 2019 par l'Association Africaine des Jeux et Sports Traditionnels. Design and developed  by, switzerland

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